Everything to know about Poker qq Dominos game

There are different domino plays and to get a win you must remember each of them perfectly.

The Double six dominos: This type of game uses the set of Double 6, but without having any every tile (except for 0-0) in the suit as 0 which bring the total to 22 tiles.

The tiles are such divided into 7 different suits like the 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s. The double is considered as the highest tile in the suit, so if it is the 2 suit, the order will be something like 2-2, 2-1, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, starting from the highest going to lowest.

If each player draws a hand of having 7 tiles. The tiles which are remained are placed facing downwards on the table.

poker qq

How to start bidding in the game:

The first bidder starts the game by placing a bet and the game follows clockwise direction.

  • The player’s bids can be passed (no bid), with a number falling between 4 and 7, or just 21. Each player should place his or her bet that must be higher than the previous bet. There is a special name for a bid that has a total of 21 popularly known as “shooting the moon” a kind of bid that takes everything (victory). If a player gets 21 in total he or she wins the play instantly.
  • The winner of the Poker qq play (the one who has placed the highest bid) takes a tile from the middle range and then discards a tile from his or her hand facing downwards so it doesn’t get exposed to opponents.

Before playing the very first trick, the round winner decides the trump from the following:

  • A number that falls between zeros to six: if a player picks zero, there will be only one trump i.e. 0-0 or otherwise it has to be 6-6.
  • Doubles where the trump will have 6-6, 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 2-2, 1-1 or 0-0.
  • If a player uses trump as a tile, the opponents must attempt to play with trumps. In case a player doesn’t really have the trump card he or she must play the game with any other tile.
  • The number must be higher and the same number will be followed by another player if there is no trump available in player’s hand.